Target Group of Companies presents to the Russian market a unique range of items for the holidays, carnivals and special occasions under the trademark "partymania". Goods that are sold as well in the New Year season, and year-round. With our products you are guaranteed active, bright, fun and special holiday.
Our designers have developed a bright and attracting the attention of consumers packaging
Goods is presented in a wide assortment to respond to the requests of virtually any customer
Instructions are simple and understandable for consumers and retailers, because the whole packaging is printed in Russian
Easy to use, practical and safe
Commodities comes to Russia ready-to-sell, and meets all requirements of the law of the Russian Federation
This range is different from the usual assortment of grew bored goods for the holiday.
After the last several seasons of Christmas, we celebrate the growing interest to the products under the brand of pyromania - they have strongly taken their place in areas of sales of Christmas goods of leading federal and regional retailers.
Our product lines under the brand pyromania is constantly expanding, the original idea of creating a range of repeating pyrotechnics effects gradually shifting towards to the formation of original, easy recognizable set of goods for any celebration.
For the best submission we have developed a sales equipment where goods can be delivered directly to the shops in various formats, which significantly simplifies the logistics and allows to set commodity in any place of the store without taking up an extra shelves.
We invite federal and regional retailers for cooperation, in addition, we are starting to shape a dealers network in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, and we are pleased to communicate with major regional partners.
We welcome cooperation with you!